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Add custom fields to PSA Profiles

Overview: As a Coach, you can quickly add a custom field to a PSA profile. This includes various data points that you wish to collect when evaluating a PSA. 

  1. Navigate to Recruiting, then "PSA List". 
  2. Locate the PSA for whom you wish to add a custom field. 
  3. Select the "+" button on the PSA profile page under 
  4. Enter a "Field Name" and "Value". The field name is the label. Examples may include Club/AAU team name, extracurriculars, GPA, and more (Field Name: Club Team, Value: [Insert club team name])

    Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 1.51.29 PM.png
    Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 1.51.52 PM.png

  5. Determine whether you'd like to add this field to all PSAs.
  6. Then, select "Add".
  7. Your custom field has now been added to the PSA profile page.

See Coach use case pictured below:


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