Overview: As a Coach, you can quickly assign tags to student-athletes.
Creating, Adding, Editing Tags
Learn how to create, add, or edit tags from your team's roster.
- Navigate to “Roster Management” in your vertical navigation bar.
- Locate the SA you'd like to tag.
- Under the "Tags" column, click to add a new tag.
- You can select from a previously created tag OR create a new tag.
- To create a new tag, click "+ Add Tag".
- Type the tag you'd like to create, then click "Add".
- Once the tag has been added, simply click the tag to assign it to that SA.
- You can always remove the tag from that SA by clicking the "X" next to the tag.
- To edit a tag, hover over the tag and select the pencil icon.
- To permanently delete a tag, hover over the tag and select the trash can icon.
Bulk adding tags
Learn how to add tags to your roster in bulk.
- In “Roster Management”, select the check box next to the SAs you'd like to tag.
- Select the "Assign Tags" button at the top.
- Select the tag you'd like to add to these SAs.
- Click "Assign tags".
- These tags will now be assigned to all SAs you've selected.
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