Creating & Sending a Form

Overview: Coaches can create form templates and send forms to student-athletes for completion. 

1. Begin in your coach portal.

2. Navigate to “Paperwork

3. Select “Templates” from the banner at the top of the page.

4. Click the blue “New Template” button at the top right of the screen.

5. Enter the title of your form.

6. Provide a brief description of the form. 

7. Then, select self-report or mandatory-report.

  • A self-report form is a form that student-athletes can access and send on an ongoing basis. An example might be logging study hall hours, academic assistance request, etc.
  • A mandatory report form is when the form is required for completion.

8. Next, you’ll be prompted to add questions to your form. You have many different question fields that you can choose from including: text, multiple choice, signature, dropdown, and more.

9. Once you’re ready, select the blue “Next” button at the top right of the page.

10. Now, your form is created and ready to share with student-athletes or other users.

11. From the templates tab, locate the form you wish to send. Select "Send". 

12. Select the users you wish to send to: Student-Athletes, Coaches, or Admin.

13. Then, select your recipients. To send a form you have the option to select your recipients by:

  • Team
  • Tag
  • Individual
  • Class


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