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Creating a Form to Send to Recruits

Overview: As an Admin, you can create customized forms to send to recruits (PSAs). 

  1. Navigate to the 'Recruiting Forms' view. 
  2. Select 'Template' and then 'New Template.'
  3. Add a Template Name and Template description for this form and choose 'Next.' Please keep in mind, when you send this form to a recruit, they will be able to see this information. 
  4. Add any questions that you would like to share with the recruit:
    Question Type Options:

    Text: Simple, text-based question in which the respondent inputs text. 

    Multiple Choice: Text-based question in which the respondent has multiple options to select. This option is recommended when the user has less than five options.

    Signature: Allows users to provide a digital signature directly from their mobile device. 

    Date: Allows users to select a date directly from a calendar. 

    Statement: This option required no action from the user. This should be used to share instructions or any message that doesn’t need a response. The user can also include a link within this option.

    Legal: Allows the user to accept/not accept a statement.

    Dropdown: Allows the user to single or multiple select options. This option is best used when the user has more than five options. 

    Attachment: Allows the user to attack one or multiple files. 

    Website Link: Allows the user to paste a website link as the answer formatted in http:// or https://

  5. Once you have added your questions, select "Create". Your new form will now appear under templates.

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