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Activate/Deactivate Student-Athlete

Overview: As an Admin, you control your SAs access on the Spry platform. This article will teach you how to activate or deactivate your SA.

1. Locate "Roster" at the top of the screen, then click "Roster Management" and choose the team you want to view. 

2. Select the ellipses icon and select "View Archived". Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 3.24.50 PM.png

3. Select the name of the SA that you wish to re-activate.

4. The following screen will take you to their student profile. 

Re-Activate a SA

Learn how to re-activate a student-athlete's Spry account.

Image 12-18-23 at 6.30 PM.jpeg

3. If the SA is INACTIVE, the message below will provide you with the option to Activate Spry Account for that SA. 

Image 12-8-23 at 3.42 PM.jpeg

4. Once you activate the SA, you will receive a message at the top that the confirmation email has been sent. 

Image 12-18-23 at 6.47 PM.jpeg

Deactivate a SA

Learn how to deactivate a SA's Spry account. This action will remove their Spry access.

1. Locate "Roster" at the top of the screen, then click "Roster Management" and choose the team you want to view. 

2. Select the name of the SA who you wish to de-activate. 

3. The following screen will take you to their student profile. 

4. Navigating to the "Settings" tab on the left side of the SA's profile.

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 4.50.05 PM.png

5. Then click on "Deactivate Spry Account" highlighted in red

Image 12-8-23 at 4.18 PM.jpeg

6. By deactivating the SA, you will move this SA to the archived folder on the roster

Image 12-18-23 at 6.52 PM.jpeg

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