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Configure CARA Log Settings

Overview: Follow the steps in this article to configure your CARA Log Settings for each sport team.

 1. Click "Calendar" and then "CARA Assistant" from the top navigational bar. Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 11.26.53 AM.jpeg

2. Press the blue "Settings" button at the top right corner. Then, choose the sports team whose CARA settings you wish to configure. Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 11.27.15 AM.jpeg

3. Follow the CARA Log settings:

  • Submission: Turns CARA Log creation On or Off.
  • Coach CARA Log Submission:
    • Frequency: Choose the day of the week that you want a team's logs to generate. (To have a quick glance at the team's sports segment, hover your cursor over "see sports segment configuration.")
    • Due Date: When are logs due to be submitted by the coach? 
    • Submitter: Who can submit logs
  • CARA Log Team Viewers: You can assign coaches the sole role of viewing CARA logs. These coaches will not be able to submit logs for approval.
  • Student Athlete CARA Survey Setting:  This option will send students a survey to confirm their CARA events and hours after a coach submits the log. You can also choose an expiration date. 
  • Compliance Reviewers: Administrators who are allowed to Approve or Reject CARA Logs.

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4. Once all information is entered, click the blue "Save" at the bottom. Don't forget to configure your logs for each sport team listed on the left!

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