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Understanding each section of the student-athlete profile

Overview: Spry's student-athlete profile provides admins and coaches with comprehensive tools to manage all student-athlete information. Learn more below!

Click the heading below to learn more about each section of Spry's student-athlete profile.


The Demographic tab allows you to organize a student-athlete's demographic information. You can edit any existing fields OR add a new datafield. 

To edit demographic information:

  1. Select the purple "Edit Profile" button and navigate to the "Demographic" option. For more, review this help article.

To add a new datafield:

  1. Click the blue "+ Add datafield" button in the right corner of the demographic tab. 
  2. First, type a field name (ie "Emergency Contact")
  3. Next, add a value for this student-athlete. For an emergency contact, you might list a name.
  4. Next, select whether you wish to:
    • Apply this field to this student-athlete ONLY
    • Apply this field to all student-athletes ON THE ASSOCIATED TEAM
    • Apply this field to all student-athletes ON ALL TEAMS AT YOUR INSTITUTION
  5. When finished, click the green "Add" button.

Watch below:

SA Profile - Demographic.gif


The Academics tab allows you to organize a student-athlete's academic information such as GPA, Major, Graduation Year, and more. On this tab, you can add You can edit any existing fields, add comments, OR add a new datafield. 

To edit academic information:

  1. Select the purple "Edit Profile" button and navigate to the "Academics" option. For more, review this help article.

To add a comment:

  1. Select the gray "Add comment" button in the right corner of the academics tab. Note: If a comment has been added, you will see "View comments".
  2. By clicking, you will able to read any comments made by other admin users related to this SA. In addition, you will be able to add a new comment.

To add a new datafield:

  1. Click the blue "+ Add datafield" button in the right corner of the demographic tab. 
  2. First, type a field name (ie "Second Major")
  3. Next, add a value for this student-athlete. For a second major, you might list the name of their major.
  4. Next, select whether you wish to:
    • Apply this field to this student-athlete ONLY
    • Apply this field to all student-athletes ON THE ASSOCIATED TEAM
    • Apply this field to all student-athletes ON ALL TEAMS AT YOUR INSTITUTION
  5. When finished, click the green "Add" button.

Watch below:

SA Profile - Academics.gif


The Eligibility tab allows you to track and update a student-athlete's eligibility status to share visibility with other administrators and the student-athlete's coaching staff. You can add comments related to a student-athlete's eligibility that will be visible to these additional users.

To update eligibility information:

  1. Select the dropdown arrow to document a student-athlete's seasons of competition. 
  2. Next, select the dropdown next to each eligibility status (example: Academic eligibility). From the dropdown menu, choose "NA", "Yes", or "No" to indicate whether the student-athlete has met all eligibility requirements for each status.
  3. To add or view comments, you can select "Add comments" or "View comments" (if any comments have already been added). These comments will be visible by other administrators and the student-athlete's coaching staff.

Watch below:SA Profile - Eligibility.gif

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid tab allows you to document a student-athlete's financial aid information. You can edit any existing fields OR add a new datafield. 

To edit financial aid information:

  1. Select the purple "Edit Profile" button and navigate to the "Financial Aid" option. For more, review this help article.

To add a new datafield:

  1. Click the blue "+ Add datafield" button in the right corner of the demographic tab. 
  2. First, type a field name (ie "Additional Scholarships Awarded")
  3. Next, add a value for this student-athlete. For additional scholarships awarded, you may choose to indicate if the SA has received any additional grants.
  4. Next, select whether you wish to:
    • Apply this field to this student-athlete ONLY
    • Apply this field to all student-athletes ON THE ASSOCIATED TEAM
    • Apply this field to all student-athletes ON ALL TEAMS AT YOUR INSTITUTION
  5. When finished, click the green "Add" button.
Watch below:
SA Profile - Financial Aid.gif
Class Schedule

The Class Schedule tab allows you to view a student-athlete's class schedule. To bulk upload or edit these class schedules, please contact Spry Support

The class schedule tab highlights a student-athlete's courses and calculates total credits & credits for the specific term.

To view a new term: 

  1. Click the white dropdown arrow next to the current term which appears next to "Class Schedule". 
  2. Next, you are able to navigate between a student-athlete's academic terms. 

Watch below:SA Profile - Class Schedules.gif

The disclosures tab allows you to review any NIL disclosure that a student-athlete has submitted via the Spry mobile app. This tab allows you to search for any NIL disclosure while calculating total deals and monetary amount earned.
See below:
Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 4.02.19 PM.png

The Records tab allows you to upload attachments, view/download forms, and add notes. 

To add attachments: 

  1. Click the banner titled "Attachments".
  2. Click the blue "Upload" button.
  3. Select the form you wish to upload.
  4. Note: You also have the ability to search for past uploads, download, and delete. 

To view & download forms:

  1. Click the banner titled "Forms".
  2. Here, you can view any and download any form that a student-athlete has been sent via the Spry Paperwork feature. 
  3. To view, locate the form you wish to view. Click the blue "View" button.
  4. To download, locate the form you wish to download. Click the blue "Download" button.
  5. Note: Long Forms (DocuSign) can be downloaded by viewing the form and selecting DocuSign's download button.

Watch below:

SA Profile - Records.gif
Activity Log

The Activity log tab allows you to view a complete history of any activity that has occurred that is associated with an individual student-athlete.

What is shown here?

Anytime any information is updated or changed (ie form sent, password reset, demographic information change), it will be logged under the Activity Log tab with a date, time stamp, and the individual who made this change.

This allows administrators and coaches to have real-time visibility into activity for any student-athlete.

See below:

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 4.02.45 PM.png


The Settings tab allows you to reset a student-athlete's Spry password, resend or copy their Spry invitation link (if they have not yet activated), or deactivate their Spry account.

To reset password:

  1. Select the blue "Reset password" button.
  2. Enter the new password. Be sure to satisfy all necessary password criteria.
  3. Click "reset". 
  4. This will change the student-athlete's Spry password.

To resend/copy invitation link:

  1. Select the blue "Resend invitation link" button. This will send a new invitation email to the SA to activate their Spry account and download the mobile app.
  2. Alternatively, you can "Copy invitation link" and send this link to the SA directly. 

To deactivate a student-athlete's Spry account: 

  1. Click the red "Deactivate Spry Account" button. This will remove access to Spry for the student-athlete.
  2. Note: Deactivating a student-athlete's Spry account does not cause administrators to lose access to their account information or forms. 

Watch below:

SA Profile - Settings.gif


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