Overview: Spry's student-athlete profile provides admins and coaches with comprehensive tools to manage all student-athlete information. Learn more below!
Click the heading below to learn more about each section of Spry's student-athlete profile.
The Demographic tab allows you to organize a student-athlete's demographic information. You can edit any existing fields OR add a new datafield.
To edit demographic information:
- Select the purple "Edit Profile" button and navigate to the "Demographic" option. For more, review this help article.
To add a new datafield:
- Click the blue "+ Add datafield" button in the right corner of the demographic tab.
- First, type a field name (ie "Emergency Contact")
- Next, add a value for this student-athlete. For an emergency contact, you might list a name.
- Next, select whether you wish to:
- Apply this field to this student-athlete ONLY
- Apply this field to all student-athletes ON THE ASSOCIATED TEAM
- Apply this field to all student-athletes ON ALL TEAMS AT YOUR INSTITUTION
- When finished, click the green "Add" button.
Watch below:
The Academics tab allows you to organize a student-athlete's academic information such as GPA, Major, Graduation Year, and more. On this tab, you can add You can edit any existing fields, add comments, OR add a new datafield.
To edit academic information:
- Select the purple "Edit Profile" button and navigate to the "Academics" option. For more, review this help article.
To add a comment:
- Select the gray "Add comment" button in the right corner of the academics tab. Note: If a comment has been added, you will see "View comments".
- By clicking, you will able to read any comments made by other admin users related to this SA. In addition, you will be able to add a new comment.
To add a new datafield:
- Click the blue "+ Add datafield" button in the right corner of the demographic tab.
- First, type a field name (ie "Second Major")
- Next, add a value for this student-athlete. For a second major, you might list the name of their major.
- Next, select whether you wish to:
- Apply this field to this student-athlete ONLY
- Apply this field to all student-athletes ON THE ASSOCIATED TEAM
- Apply this field to all student-athletes ON ALL TEAMS AT YOUR INSTITUTION
- When finished, click the green "Add" button.
Watch below:
The Eligibility tab allows you to track and update a student-athlete's eligibility status to share visibility with other administrators and the student-athlete's coaching staff. You can add comments related to a student-athlete's eligibility that will be visible to these additional users.
To update eligibility information:
- Select the dropdown arrow to document a student-athlete's seasons of competition.
- Next, select the dropdown next to each eligibility status (example: Academic eligibility). From the dropdown menu, choose "NA", "Yes", or "No" to indicate whether the student-athlete has met all eligibility requirements for each status.
- To add or view comments, you can select "Add comments" or "View comments" (if any comments have already been added). These comments will be visible by other administrators and the student-athlete's coaching staff.
Watch below:
The Financial Aid tab allows you to document a student-athlete's financial aid information. You can edit any existing fields OR add a new datafield.
To edit financial aid information:
- Select the purple "Edit Profile" button and navigate to the "Financial Aid" option. For more, review this help article.
To add a new datafield:
- Click the blue "+ Add datafield" button in the right corner of the demographic tab.
- First, type a field name (ie "Additional Scholarships Awarded")
- Next, add a value for this student-athlete. For additional scholarships awarded, you may choose to indicate if the SA has received any additional grants.
- Next, select whether you wish to:
- Apply this field to this student-athlete ONLY
- Apply this field to all student-athletes ON THE ASSOCIATED TEAM
- Apply this field to all student-athletes ON ALL TEAMS AT YOUR INSTITUTION
- When finished, click the green "Add" button.
The Class Schedule tab allows you to view a student-athlete's class schedule. To bulk upload or edit these class schedules, please contact Spry Support.
The class schedule tab highlights a student-athlete's courses and calculates total credits & credits for the specific term.
To view a new term:
- Click the white dropdown arrow next to the current term which appears next to "Class Schedule".
- Next, you are able to navigate between a student-athlete's academic terms.
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The Records tab allows you to upload attachments, view/download forms, and add notes.
To add attachments:
- Click the banner titled "Attachments".
- Click the blue "Upload" button.
- Select the form you wish to upload.
- Note: You also have the ability to search for past uploads, download, and delete.
To view & download forms:
- Click the banner titled "Forms".
- Here, you can view any and download any form that a student-athlete has been sent via the Spry Paperwork feature.
- To view, locate the form you wish to view. Click the blue "View" button.
- To download, locate the form you wish to download. Click the blue "Download" button.
- Note: Long Forms (DocuSign) can be downloaded by viewing the form and selecting DocuSign's download button.
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The Activity log tab allows you to view a complete history of any activity that has occurred that is associated with an individual student-athlete.
What is shown here?
Anytime any information is updated or changed (ie form sent, password reset, demographic information change), it will be logged under the Activity Log tab with a date, time stamp, and the individual who made this change.
This allows administrators and coaches to have real-time visibility into activity for any student-athlete.
See below:
The Settings tab allows you to reset a student-athlete's Spry password, resend or copy their Spry invitation link (if they have not yet activated), or deactivate their Spry account.
To reset password:
- Select the blue "Reset password" button.
- Enter the new password. Be sure to satisfy all necessary password criteria.
- Click "reset".
- This will change the student-athlete's Spry password.
To resend/copy invitation link:
- Select the blue "Resend invitation link" button. This will send a new invitation email to the SA to activate their Spry account and download the mobile app.
- Alternatively, you can "Copy invitation link" and send this link to the SA directly.
To deactivate a student-athlete's Spry account:
- Click the red "Deactivate Spry Account" button. This will remove access to Spry for the student-athlete.
- Note: Deactivating a student-athlete's Spry account does not cause administrators to lose access to their account information or forms.
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