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Create a recruiting questionnaire

Overview: As a Coach, you can easily create and share a customized recruiting questionnaire in the Spry platform.

Create a Questionnaire

Learn how to create a public questionnaire to publish on your program website, social media accounts, and more.

1. Navigate to “Recruiting” (magnifying glass) in your vertical navigation bar. 
2. Select “Questionnaire”. 
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3. Next, you’ll be prompted to create and customize your questionnaire. 
4. First, complete your Questionnaire settings.
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5. Then, add your questions. Spry provides a list of pre-created questions for you to choose from. However, you can add new questions or data fields as well. 

  • To remove a question from the questionnaire, simply deselect the question. 
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  • To add questions or data fields, select the appropriate button and add your question or field. 
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6. When finished, select “Next” to create your questionnaire.
7. Then, you can preview your questionnaire.
8. Once your questionnaire has been created, it is ready to share. 
9. To share your questionnaire, select “copy link”. You can use this link to post on your institution’s athletics website for all recruits interested in your program. 
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Review Questionnaire Submissions

Learn how to review PSA questionnaire submissions. You can approve or dismiss these submissions.

1. Recruits will now be able to complete your questionnaire using the link you created, with their responses populating in your Spry Coach Portal. 

  • Any prospective recruit that completes a questionnaire will appear under the “pending” tab. 
  • You can then review their submission by selecting “view details”.
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2. Next, you may approve or dismiss the submission.

  • If you approve the submission, a PSA profile will be instantly created for the recruit and they will be added to your PSA list.
  • If you dismiss the submission, the recruit will appear under “completed” as dismissed. However, you can always re-open the submission to review again. 
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