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Customize PSA List

Overview: As a Coach, you can customize your PSA list view. This allows you to create a custom view of your PSA list based on the fields you'd like to see.

1. Navigate to the vertical navigation bar and click "Recruiting".

2. Then, select "PSA List".

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 9.24.02 AM.png

3. Click the three-dotted icon on the far right and click "Customize columns".

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 9.27.51 AM.png

4. Using the "Customize Columns" window, select the information you wish to view as columns on the PSA list page. To select the field as a column, click the check box next to the field. You may select up to 20 custom columns. 
Coaches can filter by:

  • HS Graduation Year (Select)
  • Commitment Status(Select)
  • Recruit Coach (Search and type)
  • Residency Status (Select)
  • Team [only for admin]
  • State (Search and select dropdown)
  • Ratings (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5…) (Star ratings selector)
  • Position (Select)

Note: You can customize the fields available here by adding the field as a custom PSA data field. These fields will appear under the "Other" section.

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 9.34.39 AM.png

5. To reorder the columns, navigate to the "Selected Columns" section of the window.

6. Simply click and drag to your desired position.

7. After you select your choices, and have organized in your desired order, click "Apply columns". Here, you will see options to apply your selections to either one or all of your teams (multiple teams only applicable if you coach multiple sports).

Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 9.38.23 AM.png


Custom psa list.gif


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