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View packet submissions

Overview: This guide will teach you how to view packet submissions in SprySign

1. Click "SprySign" in your admin Portal.

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2. From your SprySign home screen, locate the packet you wish to view.

3. Click the "Submissions" icon or select the three dots and choose "See Submissions" from the dropdown menu. 

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Submissions: Data View

View data in a table format

1. Your submissions will default to the "Data" view.

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2. The "Data" view will contain all packet submissions organized by tab in the green bar at the top of the screen for each form in your packet. All form data will appear in the table.

3. From the "Data" view, you can:

Customize column settings

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Search, filter, or select a date range

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Bulk approve, reject, or leave comments

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Download a report

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Submissions: Details View

View individual form submissions

1. Select "Details" at the top of the screen to switch to the packet details view.

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 11.52.47 AM.png

2. The "Details" view allow you to view each individual form contained within a submitted packet. For example, for a packet containing 3 forms, you can view each individual form in the packet. 

3. From the "Details" view, you can:

Search, filter, or select a date range

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 11.56.00 AM.png

Add bulk or individual comments

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Download a packet

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 11.58.32 AM.png


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