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How to download, complete, and print DocuSign forms [Under 18 SAs]

Overview: To complete a DocuSign form as an under-18 SA, please complete the following steps:

  1. Open your Spry mobile app.
  2. Select "Paperwork" via the navigation bar.
  3. Select the form you have been required to complete.
    • You will be directed to Spry's DocuSign portal. 
  4. Once the form is visible, select the menu button in the top left corner (as shown in the video below).
  5. Select "Download combined PDF".
  6. Once the form has been created, you can download the form to print.
  7. Print and complete the form. Once printed, email to your Athletic Department's Compliance Administrator for submission and review. 

See video guide below:

Under 18 Download DocuSign.gif


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