Complete Forms with SprySign

Overview: To complete forms with SprySign, please complete the following steps:

  1. Open your Spry mobile app and log in to your account.
  2. Open the navigation bar using the 3 lined icon in the top left corner of your screen.
  3. Select "SprySign".
  4. Click on the "Action Required" box.
  5. Select "Complete" below the packet you want to begin.
  6. Review the packet details and then select "Complete" at the bottom of the page. This will launch all forms that are in the packet.
  7. Complete all of the required information for each form by clicking into the data fields and typing or selecting your responses. Swipe up on your screen to scroll from page to page.
  8. After you have answered all of the questions, click "Finish" at the bottom of the page.

See video guide below:


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