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Disclosure Reasons: Request Change, Approve, Reject

Overview: Learn more about disclosure actions in this article.

When review a disclosure submitted by a student-athlete, you have the option to approve, reject, or request a change. 

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Request Change

This option is selected when the opportunity violates policy or requires correction of certain information. When clicked, a screen will prompt you to select a reason for the change and add a comment/note. Once completed, press "Submit" to save. The student-athlete will be notified of this update in the Spry mobile app. Image 1-11-24 at 2.36 PM.jpegImage 1-11-24 at 2.37 PM.jpeg


Once clicked, you will be prompted to explain why you reject this disclosure. Press "Reject" after giving your reason to submit. The student-athlete will be notified of this update in the Spry mobile app. Image 1-11-24 at 4.00 PM.jpeg


Click the green Approve at the bottom, and the screen will refresh and take you back to the "Disclosure" screen. Under status, you will see that your disclosure has changed from "Pending" to "Approved." The student-athlete will be notified of this update in the Spry mobile app.Image 1-11-24 at 4.07 PM.jpegImage 1-11-24 at 4.09 PM.jpeg


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