Overview: This guide will teach you how to make adjustments to existing paperwork.
To make adjustments of updates to a form or packet:
1. Click "SprySign" in your admin Portal.
2. From your SprySign default view under 'Packets', hover the three dots next to the packet which holds the form you need to edit.
3. Next, click the pencil icon to proceed to the edit view.
4. Within the edit view, you can:
- Add Forms: Add new forms from scratch, import PDFs, or use existing forms.
- Edit Basic Info: Change packet name or description.
- Change Sender Permissions: Modify who can initiate or send this form.
- Adjust Workflows: Adjust workflows to choose who needs to receive a form and in what order.
- Share Packet: Choose users who will be able to view and make edits to this packet.
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