Edit a Packet

Overview: This guide will teach you how to make adjustments to existing paperwork.

To make adjustments of updates to a form or packet:

1. Click "SprySign" in your admin Portal.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 5.29.58 PM.png

2. From your SprySign default view under 'Packets', hover the three dots next to the packet which holds the form you need to edit.Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 5.58.14 AM.png

3. Next, click the pencil icon to proceed to the edit view.

Screenshot 2024-07-19 at 6.01.15 AM.png

4. Within the edit view, you can:

  • Add Forms: Add new forms from scratch, import PDFs, or use existing forms.
  • Edit Basic Info: Change packet name or description.
  • Change Sender Permissions: Modify who can initiate or send this form.
  • Adjust Workflows: Adjust workflows to choose who needs to receive a form and in what order. 
  • Share Packet: Choose users who will be able to view and make edits to this packet. 


SprySign - Edit Packet.gif


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