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Viewing & Navigating the Completion Dashboard

Overview: This guide details how to navigate the Completion Dashboard view in SprySign.

How to locate the Completion Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to "SprySign" in your admin Portal.
  2. From your SprySign homepage, click "Sent" in the menu on the left side of the screen.
    Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.03.56 PM.png
  3. Next, locate the packet you wish to view.
  4. Select the 3-dotted icon on the right
  5. Choose "See submissions".
    Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.08.13 PM.png
  6. You will now be directed to the Completion Dashboard for the specific packet that you have selected.

Navigating the Completion Dashboard


Allows you to view the form submission data using various filters.

Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.14.08 PM.png

  1. User Role: Filter the form submissions by Admin, Coach, Student-Athlete, or External Collaborator. Use this tool if multiple user roles are packet recipients.
  2. Teams: Filter the form submissions by a specific team or group of teams. Select one or multiple teams to apply.
  3. Status: Filter the form submissions by Viewed, Completed, Not Started or Voided.
  4. Search: Search for the submission using the recipient's name.

Big Picture

Provides a snapshot of the forms sent and completion percentage.

Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.16.05 PM.png


View form data by individual or by team. Here, you can also Send Reminders or Download Data.

  1. View by Individual: In this view, see form submissions by individual student-athlete organized alphabetically by last name. 
    Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.20.56 PM.png
  2. View by Team: In this view, see form submissions by team organized alphabetically by last name. 
    Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.19.56 PM.png
  3. Send Reminders: Clicking this button will send email and push notification reminders to all users whose forms are marked as "Not Started".
    Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.23.57 PM.png
  4. Download Data: Download all packet data into Excel/CSV format.
    Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.25.56 PM.png
  5. View or Void a Packet: Use the 3-dotted icon to view the completed packet or void the packet. Select "See Packet" to view the individual packet. To void an individual packet, select "Void Packet".
    Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.26.54 PM.png

Additional Views

If you wish to navigate to the Submissions table or Data view, use the tabs at the top of the screen.

Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 6.29.41 PM.png

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