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Comp Ticket Manager

Overview: Spry's Complimentary Ticket Management tool allows admin to simplify and streamline ticketing for their teams, student-athletes, and the entire athletic department.

Key Benefits:

  • Simple Setup: Enable the Comp Ticket flow directly from Spry's calendar for each competition. Student-athletes and coaches can then request or transfer tickets seamlessly through Spry's mobile app.
  • Clear Transfer Tracking: Student-athletes can transfer tickets to teammates with full transparency. Spry automatically tracks each transaction, keeping records accurate and up-to-date.
  • Automated Reminders: Set reminders and submission deadlines, ensuring that ticket requests are made on time so everyone can remain focused on game day.

Turn Comp Tickets on for an Event

Learn how to turn on Comp Tickets and configure the request settings for your event.

  1. Navigate to your Spry Admin Portal.
  2. On the calendar under "Filters", search for the team that has an event you want to turn Comp Tickets on for.
  3. Click on the competition to view the event details.
  4. At the bottom of the event info, you will see the "Comp Ticket Request" off/on toggle. Click to toggle it on.Toggle on.png
  5. This will launch the Complimentary Ticket Request Configuration settings view.
  6. SET UP TICKET RECIPIENTS: Student-athletes and coach users are pre-selected based on their teams. All school admins are also pre-selected. You can update these recipients by clicking the "Edit" button next to each category.Edit Recipients.png
  7. Once you've confirmed the recipients, you will need to enter the number of complimentary tickets each user in the group is allowed.Enter # of tickets.png
  8. INFORMATION NEEDED: This is where you can select the information you need to collect from the users on the guest(s) they are requesting tickets for. You can also choose whether the information is mandatory or not.Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 9.49.05 AM.png
  9. TIME REMINDER (Optional): Choose to set up a reminder to keep others informed about when you plan to close the Comp Ticket Requests. Enter the number of hours before the time of the event that you plan to close the request (i.e. 2 hours before game time), and a reminder banner will be displayed in Spry's mobile app for the users to alert them.Time reminder.png
  10. Once all settings have been determined, click "Configure" in the bottom right corner.Configure.png
  11. The recipients you selected in Step 6 will now see the option to request and/or transfer their complimentary tickets right in their Spry app by clicking on the event in their calendar. 

How do student-athletes request or transfer tickets?

Share THIS GUIDE with your student-athletes to walk them through the process of requesting comp tickets.


View Submissions and Download Data

Learn how to view Comp Ticket Request submissions and download the data into a spreadsheet.

  1. Navigate to your Spry Admin Portal.
  2. On the calendar under "Filters", search for the team that has an event you have already turned Comp Tickets on for.
  3. Click on the event.
  4. At the bottom of the event info where you turned the Comp Ticket Requests on, you will now see the total number of submissions and an option to download the submission data to a spreadsheet.Untitled design.png
  5. If you click "Download Data", it will download all submission data in an Excel spreadsheet file onto your computer.
  6. When you open that file, you will have access to three separate tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet:
    • Master Tab: View all recipients you selected in the configuration process, how many tickets they were assigned, how many they've claimed or transferred out, and if they have received any tickets by transfer.
    • Claimed Tickets Tab: View all tickets that users have claimed and the guest information that they entered.
    • Transferred Tickets Tab: View all tickets that users have transferred to someone else and who they were transferred to.

Spreadsheet tabs.png



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